By PJ 25 Jul, 2023
Trying new things can be hard. Especially if we are not accustomed to stepping outside of our comfort zone regularly. Therefore, if you have never attended a yoga studio before, it might feel nerve wracking. You may even find yourself thinking some of the following…
By PJ 05 Jun, 2023
What is something that all humans have in common? After decades of interviewing a range of individuals from Barack Obama to Beyonce to top entrepreneur's and everyday folk, Oprah Winfrey shared that at the end of each interview, her guest would turn to her and quietly ask ‘Was that OK?’ It was through these moments that she discovered that most of us are asking the following questions as we move through life:
By PJ 27 Feb, 2023
I'm all too familiar with staying in a 'safe space' of what is familiar or comfortable but I've learnt over the years that I need to become comfortable with discomfort (although this is a daily practice). Particularly when it comes to trying new things. We might stay in our comfort zone for many reasons: fear of looking silly, fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of truly being seen, fear of not living in the box that we have put ourselves in, or that others have put us in (how obedient of us!) The list goes on. I've discovered however, that once we courageously push through a fear, it's amazing how the force of that fear loses momentum and we realise that the worst part of the experience was fear itself. Often the outcome is a lot more underwhelming than we might have thought! You might ask yourself, Why on earth was I so afraid? The good news is, for that bravery we are usually rewarded in some way. Whether its learning a new skill, building confidence in a certain area, making a new connection, gaining respect for ourselves or from others, or even learning a lesson if things don't go the way we had hoped. Most importantly we strengthen our courage 'muscle' 💪
By PJ 02 Mar, 2023
OK, so this isn’t strictly ‘yoga clothing’ as I highly doubt anyone would be wearing a bum bag (fanny pack) during a yoga practice. HOWEVER, I had simply heard so much about this bag that I needed to try it for myself. As a bit of a bag fanatic, I have high expectations of bags so there is no stone I left untouched when reviewing this product. Summary Whilst this might not be yoga attire, it certainly is a fantastic bag to wear to and from a yoga class. It’s lightweight and roomy enough for all your essentials. I would recommend this not just for yoga, but just for general everyday wear - let’s get into the details below.
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